Richard Lawless
Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs
Richard Lawless served as the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs during the period 2002-2008 during the President George Bush '43 Administration. He was a career officer in the Central Intelligence Agency 1972-1987 where he specialized in nuclear weapons proliferation and East Asian national security issues.
In-Depth View on North Korean Nuclear Issue
2020/11/25 Richard LawlessIn the future, a unified New Korea may emerge on the Korean Peninsula, presenting a nightmare scenario for Japan.Now it…
BBC News
月刊「Wedge」特集:移民問題に揺れる世界 水面下で進む日本人の海外流出»詳細を見る世界は今、移民・難民問題で大きく揺れ動いている。事実、2024年11月の米大統領選挙では、不法移民対策が大きな争点となった。彼らは命がけで故郷を離れ、今この瞬間も、米国や欧州大陸を目指し、移動を続けている。その光景は、戦前・戦後に日本人が…